I encouraged gigi to get this suit she wore below based solely on description. Boy, was my advice sound! :) Doesn't it just look amazing on her? Me, on the other hand, had trouble getting excited about an outfit this morning. Dreaming of chiffon and lace, sunlight and flowers, I woke up to sub-zero temperature. What? Aren't we in March? I reluctantly browsed through the sweaters and decided on one of the softest, thickest, and blackest, like my mood. Not one to dwell in such a dark place, I brighten it up with a vintage fifties dress and the yellow BCBG I seem to be wearing a lot this winter. Maybe subconsciously I have always been trying to bring on the sunshine. Let's hope tomorrow will be a dream come true type of day.

You know I had so much fun invoking Joan Jett yesterday. I felt so powerful and I don't know, cool perhaps. I would not have even thought of her had it not been for the 'ole Ipod. So I decided to try that serendipity thing that C's always raving about. And since I had no idea what I wanted to wear today, I once again let a song inspire me. This morning, I chanced upon the Beatles "Lovely Rita." So Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, today's outfit is for you!
(Brooks Bros. skirt suit; pearl necklace; DKNY hosiery; Michael Kors lace up boots)
Hi Ladies-I love both of your outfits ladies, so different in styles, both equally gorgeous!