I had to snap two photos of C. She looks so darling today. Her jacket is to die for. Too bad my waist isn't a 20 (or some ungodly number like that!) or else I'd have stolen it from her. The dress was just as lovely,
shoulda' gotten a shot of that too. Okay, I see how it is. I totally have to step my fashion game up. This is going to be exhausting. Earlier in the morning, an atty here cautioned me not to "break the bank" on all this fashion stuff, but confided that both C and I were the reason they couldn't wait to get to work every day, just to see what we'd have on. It was at that moment that I had to explain the true meaning of being fashionable/stylish (from my perspective at least). A woman should not adorn herself to make herself look rich. If she does, she's totally missed the point. I went further to quote one of my favorite designers, Mr. John
Galliano, "we are in a credit crunch, NOT a creative crunch!" Words to live by. :-)
(Willi Smith duster; vintage dress & belt; DKNY hosiery; Burberry boots)
I woke up this morning with a new resolve inspired by this little dress, a gift from the darling husband, who always shower me with wonderful presents. The resolve is simple, I shall wear my little silk dresses during the day and
not leave them waiting in the closet for some silly evening occasion. I don't know who made the rule that silk is for night time. As recent as the sixties, Chinese women in
Hong Kong went to work and ran their daily errands in gorgeous silk
cheongsams. The fabric is comfortable and demure. There is hardly any danger of revealing too much, so why has it been banished from the office? Well, unless someone tells me otherwise, silk dresses are coming back to my office. This particular number has a great ruffled neckline, but was a bit too slinky sans
sleeves. A quick search in the closet produced this
faux suede jacket with structured shoulders that played the strong counterpoints to the soft dress.

This is not to say that the jacket didn't have a bit of romance of its own. In the back, a lacy bow draped down the length of the dress and bounced in the most cheerful manner as I walked out of the house.
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