Hi there folks. We're back! I got a nasty stomach flu that put me down for a spell, but I'm ready to give this fashion thing one more try. So, this is my goodbye to winter photo. Today is April 15th and typically marks the end of cold weather for GA. I will pack up my scarfs, fedoras, & ties til' the next cold snap. Boy will I miss these accessories. It's fun to hide behind them all. I've had a great time doing just that. I will warn you now that spring/summer is not my strong suit. Thank goodness for C. She's got that all around talent that no matter the season, she's well put together. I must admit that I love to see this time roll around, as I know she will knock my socks off! And I can't wait. I saw her today in the hall, I don't think she saw me cause I was pushing a very large cart holding lots of boxes. I smiled big because I knew right then and there, it's gonna to be one hell of a summer for fashion! Anyhow, I promise to do what I can to keep you folks entertained, but don't get your hopes up is all I can say.
(Fedora, Tie, Cuff links & Cane all Vintage; Kashmere scarf; Brooks Brothers shirt; Thrifted vest; Buffalo by David Bitton pants; Marc Fisher wingtip shoes)
Oh, so I totally feel like I missed a day in my life. It stormed really bad on Friday (we lost power for a spell), therefore, I didn't have a chance to post Good Friday's photo. Here it is. I hope C will post her's too. Enjoy!
(Vintage fedora; Adriana Papel bolero; Victoria's Secret tank top; Thrifted jeans; Harley Davidson boots)
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